NR Services UK FollowFollowFollow PROJECT DESCRIPTION We provide General Advice to Citizens and Specific counseling on Immigration. Additionally NR Services also provide Interpreting and Translating Services. Help the people and the communities to identify themselves...
Bjarnastadir Horse Tours FollowFollowFollow PROJECT DESCRIPTION Logo for Horse riding tours in Northeast Iceland 5-8 days. I would like to see mountains, sea, horsehead, tail of whale in the sea, Icelandic flag included in the logo. Facebook page:...
The Retro Gamer FollowFollowFollow PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name to incorporate in the logo:The Retro Gamer Description of the organization and its target audience: We restore retro video game consoles and video games and sell them on eBay, Amazon, Craigs list. I want our...
CYBERCITY FollowFollowFollow PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name to incorporate in the logo: CYBERCITY. Slogan to incorporate in the logo: None. Description of the organization and its target audience: We install and sell security cameras. We offer a GPS platform for tracking...
The Emporium FollowFollowFollow PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name to incorporate in the logo: The Emporium. Slogan to incorporate in the logo: Marvelous Makers of Magic. Description of the organization and its target audience: The Emporium is an online retailer selling...